Conflict can be hugely damaging to the success of your organization. At a high level, disputes can literally tear a company in two. But anywhere conflict arises, especially when facing your customers, it creates a tense and unproductive environment.
Teams that are able to resolve conflict, are a winning combination of people. Much of business success is about overcoming problems successfully, so why would you not want to have a team of salespeople who resolve conflict effectively? Conflict handling is useful across a business:
- Senior leadership teams – differences of opinion here can be crippling to an organization, ensuring those involved in high level strategy and decision making can overcome conflict is crucial to agreeing on, and achieving, organisational goals.
- Conflict within teams – people fall out for all sorts of reasons. When you spend a lot of time with people it’s human nature to occasionally irritate one another. Knowing how to recognize, understand and resolve conflict is vital.
- Customer facing employees – conflict resolution is a vital skill to retain customers and find positive solutions (sometimes in the most challenging of circumstances).
- Buyers and sellers – are able to secure more favourable terms by being able to handle the sometimes confrontational nature of striking deals.
What are the Learning Objectives of this Training Program?
At the end of the Conflict Management training course participants will be able to:
- Define conflict and how to identify it
- Explain positions and interests and why conflict is so hard to resolve
- Identify the stages of conflict and the five methods of dealing with it
- Follow set approaches to handling conflict
What are the Business Benefits of the Conflict Management Training Program?
Your organization will benefit from training your salespeople in conflict handling, for any job role and level. The benefits are wide spread and tangible.
- Salespeople are better able to create a positive relationships and a happier work environment. Bad work relationships don’t just affect those directly involved, they send negative ripples across teams and departments.
- People are empowered when they can rise above and resolve conflict. It creates a sense of confidence among teams, that they’re in it together and nothing can stop them.
- Save money – conflict costs your business money. HR resources, management time dealing with issues, disciplinary measures and even employment tribunals.
- Increase productivity – Workplaces that are able to resolve conflict are more collaborative and unite around common goals. Besides, the amount of staff time wasted arguing, gossiping and pulling in different directions can be very costly.
The Conflict Management Program Delivery
Like every other North American Sales Training program, audience ranges from new to very experienced salespeople, sales managers, and executives. To sustain the training, we provide the tools to align stakeholders to support the change (Step 4 – Change Phase, click here to learn more) and focus on creating action plans to enhance learning retention and encourage salespeople to persist using new skills.
The Conflict Management Program can be calibrated and customized for application to every industry and selling situation, which includes one-time transactions to complex sales environment with long sales cycle deal that requires an RFP and winning that proposal against many competitive sellers. The higher is your need to differentiate your sales team from your competitors in terms of how they engage with customers, the better the fit for the Conflict Management Program.
The Conflict Management Training Program can be learned through:
- two-day facilitator-led workshop with pre-workshop assignments and post-workshop sustainment
- blended learning solution that incorporates both two-day workshop and online through on-demand eLearning
- online through on-demand eLearning and video-based content
Every instructor has been certified by us and they each have at least 15 years of sales experience, to ensure their credibility and that they will elevate any practical discussion during the training.
We can train your trainers to present the Conflict Management Program anytime you wish. We recognize your in-house trainers are experts when it comes to understanding your organization, mission, culture, and employees the best. Our focus is to provide sales training that will be customized to your needs in order to deliver a high-impact, results-oriented sales training program.