When working to improve your performance, you can take three paths:
- the wants-based approach,
- the needs-based approach, and
- the results-based approach
The wants-based approach is what many training companies do – give the client whatever solution they have assumed and asked them for. They do not question whether what they are asking for will be of long-term value.
The needs-based approach is based on the known issue or performance gap, but sales training company still does not know why and it is not digging deeper why it is happening.
The results-based approach is driven primarily by real business need and goal. The request from the client is driven by a real business need and client is willing to engage in the analysis to identify the real problem and the right solution.
Our results-based approach to sales training is focused solely on your business goals and business challenges that call for sales training. We work together with you to articulate a relationship between the business problem or business goal and human performance. We quantify the performance gap between the desired level of performance and the actual level of performance of your sales force (including skills, knowledge, and motivation). We conduct an analysis of the root causes to reveal the reasons for the performance gap, and then we implement a series of solutions to address the root causes and close those gaps through fully customized sales training.
Our sales training always includes a detailed plan for how the sales training initiative will be measured before, during and after the training.
Download more details here. (PDF file, 641 KB)
Our approach is systematic – that means that we withhold immediate judgment, and minimize bias.
We don’t jump into solutions as many trainers or consultants do, or that we drive conclusions or act prematurely.
We consistently follow a process to clearly articulate your business goals, identify not only the performance gaps, but also the real causes of the performance gaps, recommend neutral solutions and implement them, manage cultural issues, and evaluate the success of the initiative.
Our approach is strategic and produces business results by maximizing the performance of salespeople and organization. Our systematic approach also looks at how the system contributes to the problem.
- the end product of salesperson’s activities and behaviour
- tangible (unlike behaviours)
- measurable
- they are more closely linked to business results
- behaviours are harder to measure – two very good sales team members may produce their outcome using different variations of behaviour, or even different behaviours
- outcomes are tangible outputs of sales performers, and much easier to quantify
- outcomes create a framework for prioritizing tasks
- any job can be measured by outcomes (even sales jobs!)