Complete the form on the right to access our free 10-step Sales Course: How Healthy is Your Pipeline?
Over the years, we’ve developed a few key concepts that you can turn into best practices across your sales organization.
In our new training, How to Build a Robust Sales Funnel, we provide a guide that will help salespeople to turn their pipeline faucet ON, and help sales managers increase the pipeline performance of sales teams.
If you follow the concepts in this course, you will never run out of potential leads. If you adopt our initial best sales practices, your funnel will balance as a healthy pipeline of consistent leads. Practice these simple concepts daily for a smooth and even process of prospecting, disqualifying and closing.
You will also learn:
- how to increase the size of the deal;
- how to increase the volume of sales leads in your pipe;
- how to define the numbers you need to succeed;
- up-selling techniques, and
- how to stay motivated in your sales role.